Friday, January 29, 2010

Make Or Break

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

She is a full-time Mom and yet she still manages to keep this blog updated on a daily basis. With three little boys, a husband and a bouncing baby girl, you would think that her hands are already full. But I guess Mommy Pehpot has special powers that make it possible for her to do so many things in so little time. I wonder if she ever sleeps...

But enough of my ramblings and on to my review. Make or Break is essentially a parenting blog. If you would look for Categories which is clearly displayed on the right sidebar, you would find Parenting at the top of the list. You'll find very helpful topics such as how to take care of your baby from head to toe, handling tantrums, dealing with depression and lots more. Related topics on Babies and kids can also be found in this blog. And because she is one proud Mommy to her little ones, she would blog about them every now and then. When she blogs about them, she would share some relevant information and parenting tips making it a very enlightening and helpful blog entry. This style of writing is what makes me come back to this blog. If I have a question about raising a child, I would find some of the answers in her posts.

The Blogging Today (originally called A Day in My Blog) entries are also a must see where guest bloggers get to share their parenting experience as if in a talk show. I learned more about my fellow mommy bloggers from this "talk show" of hers. I hope it will be back "ON-AIR" this year because I miss it already.

Aside from the author's writing style, I also love Pehpot's header design. It shows that she is foremost a Mom and just like most moms, have lots of responsibilities. On the upper left corner, you will see a woman working in front of the laptop. I guess while she does the household chores and takes care of the kids, she is already cooking up topics to write in her blog after sending the kids to school or to sleep.

And oh, if you still haven't followed her blog, be sure to click FOLLOW on Google Friend Connect. She will be more than happy to give you a backlink for it.


Chris said...

i love make or break too! one of my daily reads!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

yeah I am follower already

Sherry Go Sharing said...

love the cars and toys!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I love her blog, she is very good with all blogs but I think I not seen 8 blogs.

Chris said...

you did it! congratulations! :D you won the best review for pehpot :D

Mylene said...

Congratulations! Your are well-deserved to win :)

Mys said...

Congratulations Kikamz! Your reviews are such great reads. I think we all really came out of this experience as better writers and we're on our way to really calling ourselves experienced writers.

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