Sunday, November 15, 2009

Off To Munich for our UK Visa Application

So last Friday the 13th was the day. We drove for 2 and a half hours to Munich and arrived at around eleven. We were too early for our appointment, which is at 12:45 so we decided to have brunch first. The navigation brought us to McDonalds, the nearest fast food we could find. We took our time eating... We ordered the Bacon Burger meal and it was not bad, the patty was juicy and the burger itself was not bland. Nope, not bad at all. We realized we didn't have enough cash and so we searched for an ATM. We are not used to carrying cash anymore as most transactions here can be paid with debit cards. Blame it on the debit cards.

Then we headed back to the Application center and arrived just in time. We were then ushered into the Application Center and submitted our documents. Although we had three different appointment times, we went in together. Hubby was first and the application officer got all our supporting documents: travel itinerary, invitation letter from relative and copy of his permission to stay in the UK, copy of our marriage contract, bank statement, hubby's letter of employment, copy of his payslips. I made three copies each thinking that they will need a copy for each of us. The officer only took one copy. The rest was given back to me. So much for all the trouble that I went through printing and copying them. After checking all the documents, the officer then took hubby's biometrics. He had his fingers scanned and had his photo taken. The same process went for me. Samantha is still exempt from the biometrics since she is still very young.

We also paid €30 each for the courier services. €15 for sending the documents to the British consulate in Düsseldorf and another €15 for returning the documents back to us. The document envelopes and the return envelopes that I prepared were also not used, as the agency provided them. Well, I just thought to myself, at least I had everything prepared, just in case.

We were finished with our application at around 1:30 PM. It took less then an hour for the three of us. Not bad. Now, all we need to do is sit back and track our application online. We just hope that things will go well and that by December, we can go visit the queen, my brother in law and his family, and the London Bridge.

1 comment:

riablahgs said...

parang sa US din pala ang processing nila ano, although sa US visa application, we got our results the after the interview. The consul officer told us na ok na and we just had to pay the fees and wait for 1 day. I am sure you're going to get it. Post pics ha!!!

I grabbed your badge na. hehehehe

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