Monday, August 31, 2009

Yellow Monday: The Landshuter Hochzeit

The town's medieval square with medieval and baroque-style buildings lined on both ends

This Yellow Monday, let us go to Landshut, a town in the State of Bavaria, Germany where we journey back to the Middle Ages to celebrate the lavish wedding parade that took place there hundreds of years ago, in 1475 to be exact. The Landshuter Hochzeit is a festival that happens only every 4th summer, the next one will be in 2013. It was indeed a journey back in time, with people dressed in their best Middle Aged attire to re-enact the wedding feast of Georg, son of Duke Ludwig the Rich and Polish Princess Jadwiga.

The wedding parade. It was colorful and of course, filled with YELLOW!



Ms. Journ said...

What a parade..nice one... i enjoy browsing the yellow parade..
Here's My MYM entry.

Kikit said...

Lucky you to witness this parade! :) Send my regards to Binsoy and Sam please. :)

Miranda said...

Nice yellows. It looks so pretty over there.

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a wonderful celbration. I love the yellows you were able to capture. I hope your day is filled with sunshine.

Becca said...

What amazing architecture...great pics!

MYM said...

Wow! Now that's a very interesting selection of photos - very cool!

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