Monday, August 3, 2009

Pay It Forward

Wouldn't it be much nicer to spread the love and the cheer of gift giving rather than grumble and complain about the way our government is being run or gossip over the life of another human being? I am tired of hearing about war and violence. I guess, it is about time that we start doing small acts of kindness and goodness so that others too, may find that there are still lots of kindred souls scattered about the planet.

I found this really great scheme at my friend Ria's place. It is called Pay It Forward.

Here's how the PAY IT FORWARD part works:

1. The gift will be a mystery of my choice, created especially for the recipient (in my case, I am not very crafty so I will try my best to make something special for you).

2. I have one year to get all five gifts made (Does it really take a year to do this?!? Well, if you get to accomplish this task ahead of time, then feel free to post it right away.)

3. If you're one of the five, you must make a post in your blog offering to make a gift for five people, spreading the joy of creation.

4. When you receive your gift, you should make a post on your blog and show everyone inspiring others to follow the chain and participate.

How easy is that - to make someone else happy - everyone should be doing it. Oh and if you don’t have a blog that’s okay too - you can post on your facebook/myspace page.

So, the five that I choose to Pay It Forward to are:
  1. Enchie of Sweet Nothings
  2. Niko of Niko's Blog
  3. Elizabeth of All About Elizabeth
  4. Kikit of Kikit Avenue
  5. Shals of On Ne Sait Jamais
So to these lucky ladies, kindly send me an email at anak0430(@)gmail(.)com for your home adresses.


Stacie said...

That sounds like a really nice idea!

Enchie said...

wow! for me? thanks Kamz...

niko said...

oi this is nice! now am complaining i have little time to do lots of things hmmmmmm.

thanks for including me dear! waity i have to print this!! hehehe

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