Friday, August 7, 2009

Mommy Moments: Sam and Tatee

mommy moments

Thank God it is a Friday! Aren't we all mommies glad? It is time once again for Mommy Moments and today's theme is about our kids with their beloved relative.

My little Samantha is not lucky enough to interact much with our relatives owing to the fact that we are living abroad. She only saw them for the first time when we went home last February for a two-week vacation. And I tell you, two weeks isn't enough for a baby to get to know them all. But it was better than nothing at all!

When she was still an infant, Sam always loved to sleep when cradled and swayed, sang and danced to.
Ang sakit kaya sa balikat nun!?

All dressed up for the pedia! It was time for Sam's 1st check-up!

The only relative that she had encountered at a period longer than a week is my eldest sister, Tatee who also happens to be her godmother, when she came to my rescue for the first three months when I had Sam. Although Sam was too little then, I can tell that she was also fond of my sister.

Sam's first day out. A day of discovery at Sea Paradise.

At Starbucks during one of our pitstops from our trip in Yamanashi Ken.

At Tokyo Disneyland, our last treat for Tatee. Sam was 3 months old then.

When Tatee saw Sam, she immediately fell in love with her and took care of her as if she were her own. She and Kuya Jun doesn't have any kids yet and we always pray that she will soon have one of her own, too. She is well-prepared for it na, to think that she was able to take care of two babies already, Sam and my nephew, Miggy.

One last hold... she soon she will be back in the Philippines. Sniff! Sniff!
Sam and Tatee at the departure lounge in Narita Airport.

Sam was holding Tatee's finger and looked her as if saying, "Mommytita, please don't go!"
Sigh! Parting is such sweet sorrow!

And I am most grateful to have her for my sister. Thanks Tat for coming to Japan to help me adjust in my early days of being a Mom. You are such an angel!

Got Mommy Moments to share? Join us now!


Enchie said...

So sweet of your sister. I like hanging out with my sisters too. I would probably choose them to help me out too.

nuts said...

happy mommy moments day!

Chris said...

you are blessed with your sis! happy weekend!

Willa's MommyMoments said...

it was very sweet of her to come there and help you with your daughter.

bambie said...

Na-miss ko tuloy sister ko huhuhu... The only sad thing about living abroad is syempre being far away from loveones.

Tetcha said...

I'm sure your sister will be a wonderful mom. Sam is lucky to have a loving and doting aunt. Here's my entry:

JonaBQ said...

i love the smile of your baby in one of the pics. i bet you know what pic im talking about.

hay! namiss ko tuloy aking mga ate.

check out the newest part of our family

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