Friday, August 21, 2009

Food (Trip) Friday: Kiwi

One of my favorite fruits is kiwi. It has loads of antioxidants and very refreshing too! I just love it's sweet-sour taste!

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Chubskulit Rose said...

I love kiwi too!

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

i used to love kiwi, since i got here.. Nasuya na lang ako. But yeah, anti-oxidant..

Here's my Food trip entry =)

Ladynred said...

Me too! I love Kiwi!

Anonymous said...

my husband likes it but i dont. never tried it

FoodTripFriday said...

Never pa ako nakatikim ng kiwi,kahit meron naman dito tinda,hopefully in the future I may gather enough guts to give it a try. :)

jeng said...

I was here for Mommy Moments and also saw your FTF entry. Very nice photo of the kiwi fruit. ; )

agent112778 said...

i love kiwi too specialy in shakes, i love those seeds in my glass

my entry for food friday is here

my entry for food trip friday is here

Great day for us Food Weekenders:)

Thanx for the Visit :)

Lulu said...

Me too! love kiwi!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I love kiwis too!!

Sasha said...

I don't like kiwi that much but my sister loves it.

Happy weekend and thanks for stopping by! :)

genejosh said...

i love Kiwi too! Nice toppings also for mango float...

ghieGANDA said...

halu kikamz! =) tnx for ur visits. i really appreciate it. =)

Seiko said...

I don't like kiwi that much lalo na pag nakakatyempo ng maasim:D

maiylah said...

been ages since i last had a kiwi ... love the shot! :)

thanks for playing last week, K
sensya na sa late visit ....

ps. will change your url after i make this comment. :)

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