Hello to all my dear Couchers! I am deeply sorry if I am posting my TCP entry just now. I know you have all been waiting. I had my first final exam yesterday and I was kind of devastated because I didn't do well. I also had to bring my little girl to the pedia for the routine check-up for three year olds, they call it the U3 Untersuchung here, right after my exam so I really had no chance. Yesterday was a very exhausting and disappointing so I had no energy to blog. I know it is a very lame excuse but now I am energized, thanks to the nine hours of sleep I had. =D
Anyway, it's March already and because we just witnessed the Golden Globe and the Academy Awards, might as well make this month's overall theme as "Movies Worthy of the Red Carpet". For this Tuesday, it is Award Winning Movies of 2009. My pick will be The Reader, a drama film released in 2008 starring Kate Winslet which won the Golden Globe 2009 for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role and 81st Academy Award for Best Actress. I chose this movie because it is interesting. It wasn't actually me who found this movie but my husband, he critical reviews very interesting and it has a good rating from the movie critics and reviews. Curiosity is what really made us watch this one.
The movie is set in postwar Germany. Middle-aged Hanna (Winslet) and 15-year-old Michael (Kross) become sexually involved after Hanna cares for him during an illness (she insists he read to her before their encounters--hence the title). She breaks off the forbidden relationship abruptly and the story leaps ahead to an older Michael (Fiennes), now a law student, witnessing Hanna on trial for war crimes relating to the Holocaust. Her involvement in atrocities, her concealed illiteracy, and her past relationship with Michael are pressed to the surface and serve as a way to attempt to understand how awful things can be done by seemingly decent people. This film adaptation of the best-selling novel by Bernhard Schlink has high aspirations but proves a somewhat tricky adaptation to screen. Still, Winslet's performance is a somber and convincing treat. (Synopsis taken from MovieRetriever.com).
A note to my readers, this movie is Rated R as it contains nude and sex scenes. If you want to see this one, watch it when the children have all gone to bed. =D
What's your Award Winning Movie for 2009? Come share it with us here on TCP and enter your link in the linky below:
For next week, March 8, we will feature Movies with Best Actor Awards. It doesn't matter which year the movie came out as long as the actor won the best actor award for that movie.
Hope to see you all by then! And oh, because it is the 80th edition of TCP, I decided to hold a little surprise to all who will participate this week. I will be randomly selecting one Coucher and will be giving away $5.00 Paypal Money as my way of thanking you all for helping me get Tuesday Couch Potatoes this far. It is not much I know but it still is five bucks. I will announce the winner next Tuesday when the linky closes.
Hope you all have a great week! Happy TCP everyone!

i hope you feel better today and don't be disappointed or discouraged.. i am sure God will help you in your endeavors...
i havent seen this movie yet :) will check it out soon!
thanks for your encouraging words Marce. I am feeling better now. I am leaving it all up to Him.
things will get better soon, kikamz..
i know you will be okey and your doing fine. thanks for this meme even late. happy TCP!
I haven't seen this, but it sounds excellent!
im really late for my entry pero habol pa din. :)
i haven't seen this movie - will try to watch it and right, pag tulog na dapat ang mga kids. :)
i haven't watched the reader but it's one in my list. i saw it was playing on tv last time but it was in the middle of the story so I just had a pass of it. maybe i'll just download or wait for a repeat.
Elvira's Roundabout
Hi! was late for posting for this topic. But I'm early for this week's topic (Movies with Best Actor Awards).
<a href="http://www.heartifying.com/2011/03/08/tcp-charlie-and-the-chocolate-factory/”>my TCP is here</a>
I visited here last week & was about to join but sigh can't find the link & no idea what was the theme for the week.So glad you're back.I hope I can still join this week since my entries's up now.
Hope everything's fine with you...I believe & we believe yo can do it better...soon...Happy TCP!
God bless!
aww mukhang hindi ako nakahabol :( close na pala ang linky :(
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