Monday, October 5, 2009

TCP#9: The Magic Compass

Welcome to the October 6th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes, where we post about a movie each week. This week's theme is Fantasy Adventure. If you love elves, orcs, talking animals, and Middle Earth, never before seen worlds, heroes that only come alive in your dreams, and of course, happy endings, then come join us this Tuesday! It's fun!

Today I would like to feature The Golden Compass, a fantasy adventure film from New Line Cinema. The movie is about Lyra, an orphan who lives in a parallel universe where people's souls have animal shapes, and in which the dogmatic theocracy (a form of government where a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler) called the Magisterium threatens to dominate the world. Her adventures began when her best friend was kidnapped by the Gobblers. She traveled to the far North in an attempt to rescue him and rejoin his uncles. She was invited by Mrs. Coulter to go to the North only to find out from her magic compass that Mrs. Coulter is the leader of the Gobblers. She then escaped from Mrs. Coulter and journeyed to the North with the Gyptians, Witches and the strong Armored Bear lorek Byrnison.

I love the character of Lyra, who is both magical and captivating. Her character reminds me to have faith and to trust that good things will come at the least expected circumstances. Her pure heart has allowed her to read and interpret the Magic Compass correctly.

The movie is based on the novels by Phil Pullman and is the first in His Dark Materials trilogy. Compared to its contemporaries The Lord of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, The Golden Compass introduces us to an unfamiliar world where the villains are more complex and poses more intriguing questions.

Here is a preview if you still haven't seen it:

What's your Fantasy Adventure? Share it with us here. If you are joining us this Tuesday, please don't forget to leave a link to your TCP post in the MckLinky below:

Thanks for joining us this week. Next Tuesday, we will feature Urban Legends.


Lalaine said...

oh.. I haven't watched this one yet..

Have a blessed TuesdaY!

Seiko said...

We love this film too so much!!We enjoyed this film on big a big screen.
Happy Tuesday Mommy!

Chris said...

i havent seen this one!

Mys said...

haven't seen this one yet, nicole kidman was in this movie right?

nuts said...

di ko pa napanood toh, try ko watch this film sa weekend.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Gusto jd ko matan aw ani nga movie, wala mn sd ko kta ug tape ani kamz.

Gi showing ni sa theater dri dili sd ko ka tan aw ky naa baktin, nice one mommy kikamz.

Mine is up now. Ill visit later other TCP fifol

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