Friday, October 16, 2009

I Need A Coffeemaker!

I have always loved drinking coffee. Nothing beats the beautiful aroma of a freshly brewed one. When I was still in the Philippines, I always find myself at coffee shops whenever I can, sipping a nice cup of coffee while reading a book or chatting with friends. But things have changed. These days, I just content myself with instant coffee since I don't go out that much anymore. I would have loved it though if I could get my hands on a coffeemaker for a good discount. It has been a secret wish to own one.

Hubby's Colombian friend came over for a visit and he gave me this:

Ahh... Premium Colombian Coffee! All the more reason to buy myself a new coffeemaker! It would be a shame if I would just let the pack stand in my cupboards right? Hmmm... so let's see. There are great deals and coupons available online so that is the best place to start.

I feel ecstatic. I can already smell the aroma of my freshly brewed Colombian coffee lingering in the air. And with the cold and chilly days already here earlier than expected, it would just be perfect to have hot brewed coffee to jump start my day.

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