Monday, October 12, 2009

TCP#10: Candyman

Hello everyone and welcome to the October 13th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. This week's theme is Urban Legends. If you happen to know of "an often lurid story or anecdote that is based on hearsay and widely circulated as true," and has now been popularized on the big screen, then come share it with us. Most of the stories are gory, creepy and apocryphal at best. Be prepared to be scared!

I remember vividly The Candyman, a 1992 slasher film and is based on the legend that if you say the name "candyman" five times in front of the mirror, you will summon the spirit of the candyman and will kill you with a hook for a hand. The name came to be because of the manner the "Candyman" was killed: his hand was sawn off, he was covered with honey and stung to death by bees. I think I watched this when I was in high school. I was scared to death while watching this film. I was covering my eyes most of the time that I never really got the most part of the story. Then I watched it again at home in broad daylight and learned about how Helen uncovered the history behind the superstition. I never dared to say the name five times, urban legend or not. I don't want to take risks. Hehehe! The movie received a good reception that it became a trilogy!

Here's a synopsis from IMDB to quote:
"Helen Lyle is a student who decides to write a thesis about local legends and myths. She visits a part of the town, where she learns about the legend of the Candyman, a one-armed man who appears when you say his name five times, in front of a mirror. Of course, Helen doesn't believe all this stuff, but the people of the area are really afraid. When she ignores their warnings and begins her investigation in the places that he is rumored to appear, a series of horrible murders begins. Could the legend be true?"
Written by Chris Makrozahopoulos {}

Here's a preview if you are up for a scare:

Got an Urban Legend to share? Be sure to enter your link in the MckLinky below.

Thanks for joining us this week! See you next week for another movie feature: Supernaturals.


Hazel said...

Glad the trailer was short enough not to scare me. But I bet the entire film will make you avoid saying candyman :-) I watched this a long time ago. Right now I am thinking of saying candyman in the lift when I go to work by and by hahahahah!

niko said...

hi kamz,

i don't have share for today's TCP :( sadness. as u know i dont watch scary films.. but i have to remind myself what movies i watched that has something to do with urban legends.. naku last week pa kaya ako esep esep dito :D

anyways, galing knb?? hope u feel better na.. ingat lagi ha! mwah mwah

Phebie said...

i haven't seen this movie...cge include ko to sa mga watch lists ko..hehheheh..

mine is up now:

Happy TCP!

shelo's garden said...

I have watched Candyman too.. It's nice too.. But my all time favorite is really some stories of cannibal hunting for men who were lost in the woods..

Mys said...

I saw this when I was elementary or highschool. I was so scared. I think I watched it again when they showed it on tv. I'm still afraid of that man.

EJ said...

Wohooooo I finally made it hehehe. I posted my entry very early but entered the link very late, how is that for a starter lol.. I got glued from work and did not have time to entered it earlier. But anyhow, here is my urban legend entry.

BTW, I have added you on my other blog, can you please add mine here too? Thank you!

Seiko said...

I haven't seen this film before,mukhang maganda nga,gonna tell this to my dalagas after the exam.Mines up now mommy:D

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lam mo sis mahilig ako sa mga ganitong movie but matatakutin ako hahaha... Wala na naoust ako sa meme kasi nakiusap si hubby na sya na daw gagawa so give way na lang ang esposa.. Anyway, sya naman talaga ang mahilig sa movie eh...

darly said...

you know till now, i can still picture candyman in my head.. sabi ko sa inyo duwag ako eh.. hahaha

mine is up too.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Hindi ko ma remember ito Kikamz, I am not sure if i have seen this one siguro. Selected lng kasi pinanuod ko sa mga urband legend at mga suspense. Sound like a good movie base on your review. Happy Tuesday!

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