Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Optimize Your Yard

Now more than ever, it's time to optimize and take advantage of our outdoor spaces. However, it's all too common to have a yard that doesn't provide a good space to hang out and enjoy the fresh air. If you find yourself wanting to go outside but not having any reason to, here are three things to consider.

Flat Spaces
For starters, you need some flat spaces large enough to hang out in. Hills are fun when they're covered in snow and you have a sled in hand, but the rest of the year they're just a pain to get up and down. Look at deck builders Halifax or your area, or see if you have the space for a patio. 

Wherever you live, there's something outside that you need protection from. In many places, it's the temperature which is either too hot or too cold. In most places, some protection from the sun is needed. In other places, you will need something to discourage the bugs. Whatever challenges you face, you want to make sure that you can be safe and comfortable outside. 

It's not enough to have an inviting and comfortable outdoor space, you need something to do in it. Eating is a popular option: outdoor bars and kitchens make a delightful addition to any outdoor space, but there are also plenty of other games and activities that can be moved outside. You need something to do once you're outside, even if it's just to sit and talk to friends. 

Outdoor activities are very much an "if you build it they will come" situation. It's hard to make yourself go outside if you have no reason to stay there and nowhere to stay. Design your outdoor spaces to be inviting and useful, and you will find yourself using them more.

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