Friday, May 29, 2020

My Pregnancy And Some of Its Complications

So I am now in my 26th week of pregnancy and my belly has bubbled as I have swallowed an entire watermelon! I am feeling the joys of my baby's kicks, sommersaults and punches. Oh yes, this baby moves a lot!

I had two check-ups this week: one for the special organ malfunction screening at a specialist since I belong to the high-risk pregnancy group and the routine prenatal check-up at my OB-Gyne.

During the special organ malfunction screening, a fine ultrasound screening was done to check if everything about the baby is okay. They would look at all the organs especially the vital ones: heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, ets. and measure the size of the extremities, look if the ears, eyes, nose and mouth are where they should be. The baby's heartbeat is also checked and also the flow of blood and "food" supply between mother and fetus. I am happy and relieved to say that everything about the baby is okay, she is healthy and even growing up faster than her gestational age.

The specialist found out during the screening that I have an increased amount of amniotic fluid, a medical condition called polyhydramnios, so I had to do more tests to find out what has caused it. Aside from the usual routine checks at my gynecologist, I had to give blood samples to check my sugar levels and also to check for infections. 

"Should I be worried?" This is what I asked my gynecologist. She told not to worry too much about it because we are still waiting for the results of the blood tests. And as shown in the special screening, the baby is growing despite the increase in amniotic fluid.

I was informed though of the possible complications of severe cases, one of which is the late positioning of the baby because it has extra room to move in the later stage of the pregnancy. It is also possible to have pre-term labor or have premature birth. Or the baby grows too big. The placenta detaching from the wall of the uterus before giving birth is also possible. An umbilical cord prelapse can also occur in which the umbilical cord falls out of the vagina before the baby. In worst cases, it could lead to stillbirth. 

So should I be worried? Thinking about the possible complications, one cannot help but be! But I have a very supportive family and friends who listen to me and my gynecologist and her team are also good and competent so I need not really worry too much. I just have to take of myself, relax as much as possible, take care of my food intake and enjoy this little one growing inside of me. Hopefully, the bloodworks will also turn out well and if not, at least we can take preventive and curative measures and monitor the baby. 

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