Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Is Here

I love the winter season... I love it most when it snows because everyhing is blanketed in white. I feel so blessed to have the chance to experience this season. I don't mind the chilly weather and the very cold nights, thanks to electric blankets that keep us warm at night.

But it is about time to say goodbye to winter. I know in the mountains, it is still very cold and people can still go on a ski trip but where we live, flowers are sprout from the ground and trees are beginning to grow back leaves. The birds begin to sing in the mornings and I have oberved that the days are stretching. It feels warmer, with temperatures going as high as 15°C. I am loving the fresh and crispy morning breeze. We can even take walks in the forest when the weather is fine, just like last weekend.

I feel sad that winter is now gone... But I am also celebrating the fact that spring is here! I can't wait to move forward, to initiate the plans that we have for this year, and hope that things will go as we expect them to. We are hopeful that things will turn out fine for us this year. It is time to move forward... it is SPRING!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

weee! welcome back! hihi... yup, spring is here. hope to enjoy the season fully. :)

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