Monday, January 20, 2020

Soon To Be Four

Babies will always be miracles. For women like me who only have one child, it could be that you are content with one or you long for more. For my case, it is the latter. I grew with 3 siblings, and it was always a delight to be playing with them and going on adventures and getting into mischiefs. I also want my daughter to experience that love, that bond between siblings. She is now almost in her teens but she has also hoped to get a sibling or two someday.

My journey to a second pregnancy has not been an easy one because we are only using natural methods. So many factors also affected my conceiving or non-conceiving a child: my menstruation cycle suddenly became irregular a couple of years ago, we are both stressed from work, we are too busy, we are getting older as the years pass, etc., etc. And just when we thought it was not meant to be, He answered our heart's prayer. We just learned that we are pregnant! I am very happy and grateful, I am doing a happy dance! I want to share it to the entire world but I am keeping it quiet just until we are sure that this baby, this life growing inside of me, will make it through the crucial first 12 weeks. Please Lord, let him/her be develop into a healthy one!

And yes, He has His own way and own timing. So many new changes are coming our way this year... I pray that He will continue to guide us in our new journey. That He will continue to guide our decisions and pave the way for us, as He always faithfully does. 

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