Friday, August 24, 2012

Swimming Is Good For Pregnant Women

Are you pregnant? Are you tired most of the time and would just want to le down in bed? The more tired you are, the more reason it is for you to get moving. Being pregnant is not an excuse to stop doing any physical activity and just lie in bed all day long. Maybe if you have a delicate pregnancy, your obstetrician will recommend a complete bed rest if it would mean saving your baby but for women having a normal pregnancy, regular exercise is also needed. You need not overdo it though, otherwise, you will harm yourself or your growing baby.

One good exercise when pregnant is swimming. It is considered the safest exercise for it poses a very low risk of injury. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that uses the large muscle groups in the arms and legs. Despite being low-impact, it provides a lot of benefits. It provides good cardiovascular benefits,  improves circulation, increases muscle tone and strength, and helps build endurance, which are good for you and your growing baby.

So get on your feet and put on those Maternity Swimwear and hit the swimming pool. Just take it easy and don't overdo it though. And consult your physician or midwife before you go swimming, especially if you haven't been swimming before your pregnancy.

1 comment:

frisolac 1 said...

really? It is recommendable? They might not be comfortable in swimming with a big womb.

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