Monday, August 8, 2011

TCP#101: Kate and Leopold

Wow! I can't believe we are now on the 101st edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes! We have come this far haven't we? Thank you my loyal Couchers for being with all this time. My giveaway has also almost come to an end and I can't wait to draw the winners tomorrow. Please watch out for the announcement of winners on Wednesday okay?

Are you ready for another movie feature this week? Our theme is Set in New York. If you fell in a movie that has been set in New York, regardless of whether it is a classic or newly released, then come share it with us!

My pick: Kate and Leopold. This romantic-comedy fantasy movie stars Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman and is about "a duke who travels through time from New York 1876 and travels to the present and falls in love with a career woman in the modern New York." (Wikipedia)

This is one of those love stories that would leave you wishing you had your own duke who traveled through time and you both lived happily ever after. I can dream on right? But like most movies, it does not really happen in real life.

Another thing to love about this movie? The OST "Until", written and performed by Sting. You have to watch this vid from YouTube to know what I mean. It really wrapped up the movie for me!

Got a movie "Set in New York"? Come share it with us!

Hope you can join us again next week for another edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes with the theme "Spaced Out", movies about man and outer space. Astronauts anyone?

Thanks for joining us this week on Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Have a good week everyone!


Jona said...

mmhhhh...sounds like my kind of movie. i should put it on my list of dloads heehee :))

kamz said...

download mo na jona... you won't regret watching this film.

MJ Rodriguez said...

I love this movie! Watched it so many times already....

Anonymous said...

Meg Ryan is my favourite actress so you won't be surprised to hear that I love Kate And Leopold.
My entry is up and I hope everyone has a happy TCP:)

kamz said...

I also love this movie MJ. but since i don't have a copy, i make sure i am tuned in to the tv channel where is scheduled to air.

kamz said...

Hi Paul! Yes it is not a surprise to me. Hehe!

Chris said...

for some reason, i didnt like this one very much... anyway, im sorry for joining late.. finally our internet is working at home! :)

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