Friday, August 26, 2011

A Study Haven at the Universum

August is a busy month for any student taking up a Bachelor's or Master's degree as it is the month of preparing for and taking the final examinations. With so many things to study and prepare for, a place where one can study and discuss with your classmates would be ideal. Of course, there is always the option of studying in the library but one needs to maintain a level of silence there as it is a place for reading and studying. One can also study in the comfort of his or her own room or home. But for someone like me who finds it difficult to focus studying at home because of a lot of distractions, e.g. housechores that clamor for attention, television, playing with the daughter, sleeping, a place that has enough room to study and work, an internet connection and power source, and not so noisy environment is just what I need.

Photo by Christoph Hoffmann, Source:

Thankfully, I found Universum, introduced to me by my colleagues from the Master Progam last semester when we did a group study in preparation for the final examinations for one of our subjects. I haven't got photos of this study hall yet but I will be sure to post them here when I get the chance to bring my camera with me.

The entire week, I have been going to the Universum to study for my exams. My husband is very supportive enough to take a week off from work so he can look after our little girl while I go to the university to study. I can say that I have neen able to study pretty well this week. My next exam will be on September 1st and I hope that by then, I have already understood and learned all that I need to learn and can confidently say that I am ready.

Thanks Universum!

The Universum can be found at the University of Stuttgart, Vaihingen Campus. It is located at the underground floor of the Mensa Buildig, and is beside Wittwer Uni-Buchhaus. See the modern art installation in the photo above? The door behind leads to the Universum.

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