Friday, July 1, 2011

Busy As A Bee

It has been a very hectic week. The last two days I had excurcions at different waste treatment facilities. Thursday we visited the biggest wastewater treatment facility in our city. Then today, we visited three facilities, a composting plant, a fermentation plant and a recycling facility that recycles cables, refrigerators and cars. It was a really good experience since I got to see all that we have been discussing in our lectures in action. Then things started to make more sense and you get a better understanding of what the professor was talking about. But at the end of the day, it was a pretty exhausting and tiring acitivity my legs were screaming and pleading for a good old foot spa.

I thought I could have a quiet weekend with my family and just spend a lazy Saturday with my family but even our weekend is full. I wanted to say "Thank God it's Friday" with the thought that I could rest and just stay home during the weekend but I just realized that there are still so many things to be done. My daughter has a Jahresfest at the Kindergarten and we have a gathering after that with our Filipino community. Then Sunday, we were invited for the Confirmation of our friend's son and I totally forgot about it until tonight, when one of our friends reminded us about it. Well, so much for my plans for a relaxing weekend. It is still a "Thank God it's Friday" though since we have been blessed with so many friends who care and with activities that will help us to socialize with our community.

Photo © by Leo Pera

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