Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dried Fish for Breakfast

The Hubby has requested that we have bulad or dried fish for breakfast. We received a pack of bulad and tableya or Cacao tablets from our friend last Friday so he was requesting that I cook it today.

You know how it is when you cook
bulad in your house, especially in the winter season when the air could get very dense because of the cold. It would indeed be very difficult to eliminate and mask the odor.

So before I head to the kitchen, let me just share a few tips on how to cook this very appetizing delicacy with less of the smell:

1. Light scented candles inside the kitchen before cooking. This will make the kitchen smell like heaven and absorb some of the odors. You can heat up some vinegar in water too. Dried fish aroma is basic and vinegar is acidic. This will help to neutralize the odor.

2. Cook coffee in your stove and have the coffee aroma fill the air. It also absorbs the odor considering that coffee is a good absorbent.

3. Have an air deodorizing spray handy so that you could spray it all over the house while the dried fish is cooking.

4. Cover the pan while the dried fish is cooking. Place a wet cloth soaked in baking soda over the lid. This will also absorb the smell coming out of the pan. Remove it from the heat and let it cool before opening and serving the
bulad. Remember, hot vapors (from the oil and the dried fish) rises and spreads quickly so the cooler it is, the lesser the smell.

5. If possible, cook the dried fish in one batch to avoid having to reheat the pan and spreading more odor.

That's it! I hope this works for you and will enable you to enjoy your favorite bulad without the neighbors knocking your doors down and screaming bloody murder! :D


Kikit said...

hala, nalingaw lagi ko ani k. hehe :) how about turning on the exhaust fan? hihihi :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

sarap naman nyan, speaking of fish, we just had tinapa hehehe.

kamz said...

Hi kit! turning on the exhaust is not advisable unless you want the neighbors to smell the bulad and make sugod sa inyong haus kay mangasaba. hehe!

grace said...

Sorry for the error..mynew email ad is

redamethyst said...

ang sarap kaya ng dried fish sa breakfast di ba. tapos nakakamay pa. nice tips on cooking with less smell. take care

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