Thursday, December 17, 2009

And The Snow Flakes Cometh

The past few days saw me anticipating for the white, sparkling, soft snowflakes to fall. It snowed on a number of occasions alright, but the snow is just too light to even cover the ground white. Today, it was unusually cold. Hubby was even awakened by the biting cold at around 2:00 AM and wrapped himself up with our comforter (the blanket wasn't enough this time).

Looks like a ghost town huh? The people were still inside
the warmth of their homes and it is already past 9:00 AM!

There was slow traffic due to the snow.
The roads had to be cleared first to prevent accidents.

Then when we woke up at around 6:00 AM, we saw snow falling gloriously on the ground. The snow was fluffy and large and I delightfully told myself, "now that's more like it!". It was still dark at that time so I patiently waited for light to come out so that I could go out and take a few shots. At around 9:00 AM, when daylight has really crept in, I went to our balcony and armed with only Hubby's fleece jacket to keep me warm, started taking photos. Sam stayed inside the house. She was more interested with Micky Maus Wunderhaus tv series (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) than with the snow. :D

A view from our balcony. A strong testimony that winter
is here to stay for a couple of months or so.

The snowfall has managed to reach our outdoor plants and I felt bad to see them all wilted and freezing. I should have taken them inside when they were still green but I was too lazy and too occupied blogging. Bad me! Tsk! Tsk!

This daisy bloom braved the cold!

Even my plants had to endure the biting cold! They are all withered now... Poor dears!

Anyway, I hope you like my snapshots! More of my winter adventures in the days to come!

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