Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cheers From Us!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Jones Soda. All opinions are 100% mine.

I have been looking for unique gift ideas to give away to friends this Christmas and I finally found one that is just one of a kind: a personalized soda drink and a custom name to go with it. How about that? This is just one great Christmas gift idea that my friends will surely love.

And since it is the Christmas season, I would like to call it Weihnachtsapfel Soda. Why the German term? Because I am thinking of giving them to friends who live in Germany. Just to give clarity, Weihnacht is the German word for "Christmas" and Apfel is the German word for "apple", thus the term. Of course, I would choose the Red Apple flavor because it has the color of Christmas and is the perfect flavor for the name that I have chosen.

My label would of course be decked with the Holiday cheer and would include our family photo:

And the drink itself will look like this:

Cool huh? If you fancy a personalized gift or giveaway this Christmas or on any other occassion, do check out myJones custom soda. It is a fun way to give gifts, and a great way to give cheers to your friends.

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Seiko said...

That looks cool and cute! a personalized Greeting card for Christmas. I'm sure your friends will be happy to receive it.

Happy Holidays!
God Bless!

grace said...

gracefancz143@yahoo.com osri I asn't able to add the 143..Hmmm.. malapit na ang bakasyon grande ha..God bless!

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