Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Quick Update

Hello to all my loyal visitors and to my wonderful TCP participants! This will just be a quick post.

I would like to apologize in advance if I won't be able to visit and comment on your TCP entries today. Samantha is ill (cough, fever and a runny nose) and she had a temperature last night. It's probably because of the weather changes as it is already fall here. It could get really cold especially in the evenings and the heating system isn't working yet. Whaaa!!!

I really feel bad for Sam, if only I could carry what she is feeling right now. All I can promise her is that I will never leave her side... you all know how it is when a little child is sick. They want your 100% attention. Her temperature has dropped this morning though and she is her usual bubbly self, playing around the house, watching barney and dancing. She is taking her nap right now so that I am able to sit in front of the PC and type away. But there is not much time. She could wake up anytime soon due to a stuffy nose.

So please bear with me. I will be back to my usual routine when she is all well. Please pray that she will get well soon!

Thanks y'all!


Chris said...

hope she gets better soon!!!

Lulu said...

andrea was like that last week... i suggest to give her a vapor bath... it really works wonders... tc

Stacie said...

I hope your daughter gets to feeling better!

Valerie Calvo_Celeste said...

hope she gets well very soon...

Hazel said...

I hope Sam gets well soon. MY Cj also had a temp over the weekend with a runny nose. His dad told me everyone in Cj's class is sick. Their school should declare little runny noses holiday :) Hang in there, Mommy. Your little girl should be back to her usual bubbly self soon. Here's hoping your heating system gets back to working mode as soon as it should.

niko said...

ow kaya pala..it alright kamz.. i hope and pray sam gets well soon!!


Kikit said...

Hug Sam for me. May she get well soon. :)

Enchie said...

hugs for sam...hope she'll feel better na...

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

gosh hope she's fine now.. nakaka-worry talaga pag may sakit ang anak natin. Get well soon baby sam.. Ingat ka din Mommy Kikamz.

rjs mama said...

get well soon baby sam

RJ's day to day activities
Journal of RJ's mom

fedhz said...

aw.. that's how mothers feel when their kids are sick. Yz got sick as well a few weeks back. What I do is put nasal drops (Salinase) in her nose, about 2-3 drops in 4-6hours, and dimetapp.

And cuddling and touching (massage) is a great way to help her ease what she's feeling.

darly said...

hi kikams, hope sam gets better soon.. will pray for her quick recovery.

God bless

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

I hope Sam gets better. I know it can be hard to have a sick child.

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

awww.. we've been through that some time ago so i feel for you.

take as much time off blogging as you want so you can take care of sam.

hope she gets well soon!

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