Monday, September 14, 2009

Naiveté Gets the Better of Me

I have been with Adgitize for sometime now and I must admit, it has helped a lot in terms of traffic and has improved my Alexa ranking. And I have been reading countless blog posts stating that they have already earned and paid this much and that much because of Adgitize. And I am green with envy! How come they are earning in just a matter of months and I have not? I have been clicking on adgitize ads (51 or more a day) for days now and still my earnings haven't improved. What could I have done wrong?! Then Mommy Pehpot of Make or Break answered my question. I should have known better to have logged in to Adgitize first before I started clicking. I am that naive!

Oh yes. That does the trick. You should be logged in first before you start clicking on your adgi ads on your site or on others' sites for your click/visit to be counted. So if you are one of those like me, now you know. :D


Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh I did not know that too lol.. Kaya pala 0 ako last month wahhhhhh

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Evan's Mom said...

Yup, that's the trick. Now you can start earning from adgitize :)

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