Thursday, January 15, 2009

Temps, Bugs and Other Crap

Another round of Thursday Thunks! This is my third time and it's been fun answering some of these weird and odd questions that you just don't normally ask.

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color green and the number 1256.

1. Whats the coldest temps you've experienced?
Hmm, let's see... maybe -4 deg C. Not THAT cold here.
2. Whats for dinner tonight?
Now, why haven't I thought of that yet?
3. Would you consider this job in Australia?
DEFINITELY! That's 6 months in paradise.. and doing the things I love!
4. What was your favorite subject in high school?
Arts and Chemistry
5. How many hours a day is your tv on?
Maybe 10 hours. Baby loves watching her cartoons. Sometimes, I just keep it on even if I'm not really watching just so I feel like I've got more company at home.
6. Have you ever received an award?
7. Whats your mousepad look like?
Gray and rectangle (boring!)
8. Do you think Bud should do the Thursday Thunk meme?
Who is BUD? Lol!
9. How many browser tabs do you have open right now?
Just 3. This blog, my baby's blog and Entrecard. I need to drop. Have been delinquent in returning drops lately.
10. If you are a parent, have you or did you ever put Vicks VapoRub on your children under the age of 2?
Guilty! I've done it only once though and only a teeny wee bit when my baby had a cold. Never will I do it again because her clogged nose only got worse.
11. If you had to pick one insect to infest your house for 1 day and after that day they would just suddenly vanish, which insect infestation would you pick?
I think I can live with black ants for a day.
12. What color is your underwear that you are wearing right at this moment?
Nude color.
13. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
A rerun of Dawson's Creek. Those were the days!
14. What are your plans for the 4th of July this year?
No plans. We don't celebrate 4th of July here.
15. Tell us about one absolutely wonderful thing that happened to you as a teenager and every time you think of it, it brings a smile to your face.
Wonderful? When I learned that my crush also had a crush on me and attempted to court me. (Shhhh! Don't tell hubby! Lol!)
16. What product could you sell someone based on your love for it?
ChocNut and Goldilocks Polvoron! Just yummy! It is my favorite pasalubong.

If you want to join this Thursday meme, click here.


Jade-Momma Wannabe said...

I love Chocnut and pulburon too!

amber said...

Whenever I think of how I courted in high school, I turn about 20 shades of red, and my Mr can always tell what I’m thinking about. LOL
I never watched Dawson’s Creek, but Jared Leto is HOT so I should…
Happy Thursday :o)

Clara said...

#16 huh? What is it?

I found you thru Entrecard and decided to play along on Thursday Thunks. Thanks for introducing me to this fun meme.

Robin said...

Nice blog. This is first visit. YOu asked about Rocket Grill or Panini. I love the Rocket Grill and it does MUCh more but you are limited to bread choice– no super think buns

beth said...

yes, my kids’ pedia pulmo advised us not to use Vicks Vaporub anymore. My kids’ colds just get worse.

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