Friday, September 13, 2013

How To Clean Your Carpet

If you have a carpet at home, be it oriental, synthetic fibre, or wool, chances are it will get dirty and stained on with the passing of time, especially if you have kids running about. Sometimes, it is easier to just replace them when they are too worn out and dirty. Sometimes, it is also a good idea to have them cleaned by professionals to restore it to its early glory especially if the carpet is very expensive. But you can save your valuable carpet too by cleaning it yourself.

Most home cleaning products can be used: baking soda, detergent, wine vinegar, hot water, ammonia. You steam iron and vacuum cleaner and lots of dish towels will help to clean and wipe off these stains too.

My little helper... she loves to vacuum the carpet.
It's pretty simple really. First clean your carpet to remove dust and other easily removable dirt with your vacuum cleaner. Then spray on a mixture of 1 part ammonia and 1 part hot water unto the stained area. Lay a dishtowel unto the sprayed area and iron away. You'll find that the stain is transfered on to towel. Repeat a few times if the stain is still there.

You can also use non-bleach detergent or wine vinegar mixed in water to remove water-soluble stains such as juice, cola, ice cream or latex paint.

Of course it is always a good idea to blot the stained spot while it is still fresh so you don't run the risk of letting the spill soak through to the carpet pad. Dry the carpet from the outside in. Never ever scrub the carpet, otherwise you risk ruining the carpet fibers.

When all else fails, you can always call the professionals. Choose the ones that use eco-friendly products and techniques, like Green Choice Carpet Cleaning. That way you are able to help mother Earth.

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