Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back It Up!

I love to take photos every now and then, my daughter being my most favorite subject. You can just imgaine how much disk space my high-resolution photos alone have taken up in our hard drive. Being in an electronic medium, there is always the risk that it will be deleted or worse wiped out when it is necessary to format hard drive. Since our desktop acts up once in a while, my husband always tells me to save these priceless photos in our trusty external hard drive or to make back up copies in CDs.  Because really, you never can turn back time and you never can recreate exactly the same memories. 

I think I better take some time to select some of these priceless photos and have them printed. These priceless photos will remain unknown unless I print them, and place them in photo albums to share with family and friends. I also need to work on my photobook projects one day soon. I wish I have some more time in my hands...

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