Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TCP#81: Life Is Beautiful

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the March 8th edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes. Before I proceed to my movie pick for this week's theme: Movies with Best Actor Awards, let me announce first the lucky Coucher who won $5.00 Paypal cash from last week. There were six participants last week, namely:

And the lucky Coucher who won the prize money is Jay-Agent112778! Congratulations! The names I wrote on a piece of paper and drew randomly. Congrats Jay! Please send me an email with your paypal address at anak0430(at)gmail(dot)com.

And now, for my movie pick: Life is Beautiful, which came out in 1998 and won three awards in the 71st Academy Awards: Academy Award for Best Actor, Academy Award for Best Original Dramatic Score and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Roberto Benigni's performance in this film is something that you should watch. He is deserving of the Best Actor award for his poignant, humorous portrayal of a  carefree Jewish book keeper, Guido Orefice in 1930's Italy, who marries a beautiful school teacher, Dora and live happily together with their son, Giosue, until the Nazi forces arrive in town. This is one of the movies whose title has stuck to me ever since it came out in the big screen. It made me realize that no matter what circumstances we may be in, despite the problems, the sorrows and pains, life will always be beautiful.

What's your movie pick this week? Come and share it with us here on TCP and add your TCP link URL in the linky below:

I hope to see you all again next Tuesday for another round of TCP with the theme: Movies with Best Actress Awards. Thank you all for joining and have a good week ahead!


Marana said...

I have seen this movie, and I love it too! Nice choice of film!

niko said...

pareho tau kamz!! : )

its nice to be back at TCP!

Seiko said...

Naligaw ako Mare :) Heto pala ang theme para sa week na to "The Reader" yung napuntahan ko napaisip tuloy ako akala ko closed na.
Hindi ko sya nakita last Tuesday so I thought walang TCP last week.
I'd never seen this film before but will check this out later.
My entries's up now.Happy Tuesday!

genny said...

i have seen this movie twice...awesome movie...one of a kind. happy TCP!

JonaBQ said...

napanood ko na ata to pero di ko na masyado matandaan :)
thanks for putting up my link!
<a href="http://www.heartifying.com/2011/03/08/tcp-charlie-and-the-chocolate-factory/”>my TCP is here.</a>

Chie Wilks said...

A very lovely post...and movie pick. No matter how heavy life trials are, life is still beautiful. Happy Tuesday. I would love to watch this movie.

Chris said...

nice pick!

Trish said...

haven't seen this one - sounds like a very good movie!

sayang hindi ako nanalo!hehe. sa 100th TCP na lang..hehe.

Mommy Liz said...

I haven't watched this movie yet, mukhang maganda ah, kasi you chose to feature it.

Earth said...

hmmm... honestly, it's not familiar but I sure would like to see this one...

riablahgs said...

Haven't seen that movie yet but I'll look for it and download the torrent :)

Musta na sis? Hugs to Samantha (who is growing up so fast) and regards to your darling :)

Ria C

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