Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Should I Create A New Blog?

I am taking a short break from studying right now. My memory is just so full of Microbiology, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry stuff so that it cannot absorb additional information anymore. So I am going to release some of the stuff that's in my mind not related to the subjects in question by blogging about it here. That way, I will have some room for more info again when I return studying fifteen minutes from now.

There's a lot of stuff and ideas stirring in my mind, in terms of how to "resurrect" my blogs. I know I have been a bad blogger lately, skipping tasks, failing to update my four blogs on a regular basis, always tardy in posting memes and haven't been actively blog hopping and returning visits and comments. When my final exams are over, I plan to be active on blogging again. And perhaps, add a niche blog, as if maintaining four blogs is not enough.

I know I have a lot of things to consider when I start a new blog. It should have a good domain name, a catchy title, SEO-friendly (a term that is admittedly still so Latin to me) and of course, hosted. I am still looking for a good web hosting provider and have been browsing the net for some good reviews. I want a provider that's reliable, with a round the clock customer service team, reasonable in terms of price, and with a good rating from real users. Anyone got recommendations? And should I decide to create a niche blog, what do you think will be a good niche? I sure could use your inputs and advice.


Mommy Rubz said...

Well, my customer service is almost round the clock but I assure you with personalized customer service since I will be the one personally trouble shooting your account. :D

If you want, you can visit me at www.sahm-hosting.com ^_^

kimmy said...

go girl!

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