Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bad Habits Are Hard To Break

I am finding it difficult to take out my lecture notes and study here at home. I just can't get myself to focus and concentrate because the moment I leave the University, my body seems to shift automatically to "wife-and-mommy mode" the moment I get on the train to go home. Since classes started last October, I cannot recall a day when I have really studied here at home.

I made plans and tried to resolve it by waking up very, very early and tried to do my exercises to no avail. I have got lots of distractions that kept me from touching my books and notes: a very messy house that needs cleaning up every now and then, Facebook, emails, blogging and watching another Korean drama series that somehow got me hooked.

My classmates would have mistaken the dark circles under my eyes as if I was burning the midnight oil, studying. But nope, they were because of doing one or two of the stuff mentioned above, things I can only do when the rest of the family is fast asleep.

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