Monday, June 15, 2009

Mommy Jac Loves Me!

I have been blogging for almost a year now. If I can still remember, I wrote my very first brief blog post last June 25th 2008. And from that short blog post came countless others. My blogroll and online friends even grew, thanks to the many mommies I encountered along the way.

One of them is Mommy Jac and her blog, Mum's Special Diary, which is turning a year old on July 1st! WOW! I guess that calls for a celebration! Mommy Jac is a Pinay mommy blogger from Japan who writes passionately about life and her family, and never forgets her friends when she gives out awards and tags. She is a very proud mommy to her two beautiful princesses Kei and Rio. Do check her blog out for more of Mommy Jac.

As for the awards, I am so honored to receive the Creative Mom Blogger award from her!


Begin Copy

Here's the simple rules:
♥ Take your award and put the logo on your post.
♥Link the person who awarded you.Remember each recipient of the award should acknowledge the person who honored them and go to Mom's Special Diary to copy and paste the award.
♥Put your own blog title and link.
♥Nominate at least five deserving moms.

1.Mom's Special Diary 2. Just About Anything 3. You're NEXT!

And this equally beautiful "Your Blog Makes Us Smile" award:

Thanks Mommy Jac for the thought and for these awards. What a wonderful way to start the week!

Now, I am passing on these awards to my fellow mommy bloggers:

Mommy Juliana of Pinay WAHM
Mommy Iceah of Chicken Heart
Mommy Mira of A Moment to Exhale
Mommy Joe-Ann of My Life
Mommy Cecile of Down Home with the Kenyons


Samantha Ysabelle said...

dami mo awards mommy! congrats!

Enchie said...

she’s so thoughtful noh?…so sweet! congratulations on the awards Kamz! have a great week! Hugs for Sam.

joe-ann said...

hi,thank you sa’s so nice of you. =)

iceah said...

i love this awards mare it makes me smile lalo na yung mga galing sa iyo it warms my heart talaga dami kna utang sayo c:

Mommy J said...

Hi there….

Thanks much for this! I’ll grab it na and post it as soon as I get the chance!

Have a wonderful week.

Mommy J

Mira said...

Thanks Mommy Kikamz for this award. Let me grab it now while I’m here and will post it later ok? I will let you know when I’m done ;-).

Mommy Jac said...

huhuhu..Nakaka iyak naman ang post mo,I’m so touch grabe thank you so much sis,you really deserve the awards.
Have a lovely day =)

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