Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Castle's Ruins

Last Sunday, we decided to go on a road trip to the Schwarzwald (Black Forest). Hubby was restless because Monday was a holiday, I was on travel mode too and Sam was just too eager to sit in her car seat. It was another spur of the moment decision to go for a long drive. After a hurried search on the net on what places to visit and where to stay for the night, we finally hit the road at 4:00PM. It was a good thing that the sun sets here at around 9:00PM (very long days here now with summer just around the corner) so that we still got to see the beautiful landscape and the panoramic scenery offered by the Black Forest and discovered the beauty and charm of Baden-Baden, a Black Forest spa town famous for its Belle Epoch architecture, spas and wine.

The ruins of Hohenbaden... still standing proud and tall.

First stop was the Castle ruins of Hohenbaden Castle, built in 1102, and known locally as the Altes Schloss. It overlooks the village of Ebersteinburg and is easily accessible by car. This old castle ruin was once home to the Margraves of Baden (as if I know what it means) and it's charm lies in the fact that a climb to the tower afffords a magnificent view of Baden-Baden, the Rhine valley and the Black Forest. With knees shaking, we went up the castle. It was breathtaking indeed!

A magnificent view of the valley below and the Black Forest yonder...

A walk down memory lane? Hmmm....

The good thing about this trip to Altes Schloss was the picturesque view of the valley as you drive along the narrow road and the fact that you can park right in front of the castle. There was also no entrance fee and if you happen to get hungry while exploring the ruins, the Altes Schloss Restaurant is just at the entrance to fill your stomachs.

Where did we go next? Stay tuned for more!

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