And as a human being that cares for this Earth, I am grateful to have stumbled upon, a site on responsible ecovillage living that discusses everything that one needs to know about the basics of living in this world.
I believe in biodiversity... and for this Earth to continue on, we should learn and understand that all things in this earth, living or not, are interweaved in a complex web. This, and other "basic" concepts such as natural living, wisdom of the wise and the learned, indigenous ways and our indigenous heritage are presented and discussed in such a way that one is informed and enlightened. advocates simple living, and the main key to living a simple life is to go back to the basics. There are a multitude of ways to healing our Earth, one of which is the indigenous way. Whatever you do, may it be farming or gardening, building infrastracture, etc., consider what our ancestors did to build and to produce their food.
With the world so rapidly changing, and our natural resources dwindling at an alarming rate, it is no wonder why man is now all too eager to reverse the negative effects of his own doings by finding alternative means that will help lessen emissions, alleviate pollution, and preserve what can still be preserved. Man has FINALLY realiyed that we need not deplete the earth's fossil deposits to run our machineries.
The site offers lots of articles and videos to natural living. If you feel that you have the knowledge on what it means to live simply, you can help develop and contribute to its development.
Let me quote again what Chief Seattle said in 1854:
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
Chief Seattle, 1854

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