If it were possible to double the amount of time in each day, you still probably wouldn’t get everything done. There are a few ways to save time, though, that might be worth investigating if your to-do list never gets any shorter.
Personal Shopping
Personal shopping may seem like the domain of the rich, but many reasonably priced stores like J Crew and Macy’s also offer this service. Even if a store doesn’t have a specific personal shopper program, don’t be afraid to befriend a salesperson who seems to get your style. A clerk who works at least partially on commission will no doubt be very interested in keeping an eye out for clothes on your need-to-purchase list. The same idea works for household items as well. Finding someone to help you with personal furniture shopping La Plata MD is less time spent wandering around stores looking at items you’re not interested in.
Food Delivery
Having every meal delivered may not be an option for your family’s budget, but a food subscription box may be just the answer. Each box is packed with a recipe card and all the ingredients needed to make a healthy meal. The meals themselves might cost a bit more than if you purchased each ingredient separately, but you will more than make up for it in the time you save not having to go to the grocery store or deciding what to make.
Turn It Off
It seems counter-intuitive but turning off your phone for an hour here and there actually saves you time because you’re able to concentrate on the project at hand. It may seem like glancing at your screen every few minutes takes just a fraction of a second, but those seconds add up. You continually must pull your mind back into the project wasting valuable time over the course of the day.
Saving time is really about time management. We all get the same number of minutes in a day. Some people are just more adept at getting the most out of theirs.

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