Monday, October 26, 2020

Officially Winter Time

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the 24th of October, summer time officially ended and we are time fell back an hour. That means that the time difference between where are now and our relatives back home is an hour more. It actually felt like you have an hour more or sleep and it is also an adjustment you have to make because that would also mean it is already an hour too late for bed time. 

And this time adjustment, does it really make sense? I remember they tried implementing this in my country when I was still small. I never really understood why they had to do it but it didn't work for us and so they had to revert to what has been. Here in Europe there have also been debates about whether this daylight saving time makes sense or not. For some European countries, it does not make sense but for the Scandinavian countries especially, the daylight saving time does. 

But I heard that this bi-annual, seasonal clock change will soon be stopped. In 2019 the European Commission carried out a public consultation and a whopping 84% of the 4.6 million replies called out for the discontinuation of the seasonal clock change. The proposal is to put a stop to the seasonal clock change by 2021 but the Council still has to finalize its position. 

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