Friday, August 27, 2010

Will I Ever?

It is almost September. I am both excited and scared. Excited for another learning adventure and scared of what awaits me at the university. In preparation for the program, I will be taking an intensive German language course. It is a 6-week long course and because it is mandatory, I am required to attend the classes on a daily basis. That means I cannot join my family for our little reunion in Rome. I am already sad thinking about it. But I guess there are some things that you need to forego in order to gain something. And that's a fact.

So what's left for me to do while they are gone? I could do lots of things actually. I can finalize my little girl's photobook, I can attend my German language classes, and I can check out some laptops through the online auction. I know I will be needing a new notebook when the first semester starts. A laptop makes it easier for me to do schoolwork and catch up on my blogging too during breaks or while I am on the road. But I don't want to spend so much on laptops, that's why I am looking online for auctioned ones. I heard that they come cheaper compared to buying at electronic and computer stores.

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