Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just Sweat It Out

I decided to sweat it out today... for a CHANGE. I walked and ran on the thread mill for 30 minutes and decided to do some zumba basic exercises afterward. It was a wonderful feeling... I was able to sweat more than I normally do, especially now that it is still cold. It really felt good to feel my body cooling down after the exercises.

I don't know if I will be able to sustain this activity and make it a part of my daily routine. They say that in most things, the hardest part is the beginning. Once you have started, tuloy-tuloy na yan... I am keeping my fingers crossed. I do hope that will be the case for me. Because I badly need to get back in shape.

If I cannot go back to my original weight, at least lose some weight. That way, I can move around faster and I can fit again into my old summer clothes. I am on a tight budget now and saving on clothing expenses will really help. Besides, doing daily exercise is a healthy lifestyle. So why not, coconut?!


daisy said...

how are you guys doing? been busy?
ang laki na siguro ni samantha :)

kamz said...

hi daisy! all is well with us... kind of busy that is why i don't have much time for blogging. thanks for dropping by!

yes, samantha is so big already! she just turned 4 last Feb... :)

daisy said...

ows, belated happy birthday to her! :)

Philippine Wedding Resources said...

Nice post :)

shengy said...

hi there..was here

Anonymous said...

been here

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