Saturday, December 28, 2013

How Was Your Christmas?

It has been a while since my last post and I know it has been quite quiet around here. I hope to end that in 2014 and try to keep this blog more up to date so you will come back more often too. So how was our Christmas? It was a good one. We spent a quiet Christmas Eve at home. I actually spent the entire day finishing the laundry and cleaning the house but thankfully still had some time to prepare for a simple Noche Buena of lumpia shanghai (rolls made of ground meat, carrots and cheese), pansit canton (stir-fried vegetables with canton noodles) and pork steak. My daughter also enjoyed crafting some more Christmas lanterns which we hung on our windows to make the mood more festive. 

Paper lantern made of colorful origami papers and paper table napkin for the tail. 
On the first Christmas day (first, because they have two Christmas Days here), my daughter received her gift from Santa and how her eyes just glowed to see that Santa gave her what she wished for. I also received a gift from Santa which was indeed a surprise. Thank you Santa, and of course Hanhan and Sam for conspiring :). Then we attended the Christmas Mass held at the chapel of Marien-Hospital in the afternoon. It was well-attended by the Filipino Catholic community in Stuttgart. Then we proceeded to the Asia World Restaurant in Fellbach for a Christmas dinner buffet together with our friends from the community. It was a good evening to spend with friends.

The family at the Christmas dinner buffet.
Dining with good friends a good way to spend Christmas. :)
It was a blessed and happy Christmas altogether but celebrated in a more quiet way. We miss our loved ones in the Philippines and we know that they miss us too but Christ in our hearts, we will never fall apart. And for as long as we have the faith, Christmas will always be here to stay, no matter where we are in the world and no matter how we celebrate it.

How was your Christmas? I hope you also had a beautiful celebration together with your family and friends.

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