I was blog hopping today and read about Umma's good news that her two blogs Happy Moments, Happy Thoughts and Spices of Life and Everything Nice just got ranked PR3 by Google. And I am so happy for her because she truly deserved it! And I was kind of thinking, so google has updated page rankings today! The news got me all curious and so I checked my blogs' ranks too!
And there it was, PR2 in all its glory for Samantha's Own and Just About Anything! Wheee! Such good news! Thanks google for the update! This is a very nice Christmas gift indeed!
More power to all of us in 2009!

Congratulations! I’m very proud of you guys! Keep it comin’
Uhm..maybe I’m missing something. PR3 should be the “standard” for a newly created website. PR0 to PR2 are for sites being penalized for misbehavior.
congrats on your PR I guess google is raising all our page Ranks c:
whoa!! congrats dear!!!
got my pr back too!! i wonder if google and santa talked lately.. heheh
Hello Mommy Kikamz.. how was ur new year celebration over there? dami bang food? post pictures my dear hahaha..
Congrats for getting the PR2 for both Sam’s and your blog ha? U worked hard on it and you deserved it my dear.. Go go go for PR3 soon…
This is great!
Happy new year!
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