Just the three of us! Meet the Pera Family: Me, Sam, Vincent.
I know that it is quite late for Photo Hunt! But I am posting this anyway. This is my very beautiful family. There is just the three of us for now but who knows? We could grow into a big family in the future. Hubby Vincent is a very supportive and loving father. He knows how to take care of Sam when I go to work on weekends. They really have grown close because of the time that they have together and I am very happy about that. The only thing that he doesn't know yet is giving Sam a bath! He is afraid that he might drop Sam or hurt her while she is taking a bath and he just won't take any chances. Then there is Sam, our bundle of joy. We just can't get enough of her! She is pure innocence and love and peace and happiness! We just love her so much! Even the Japanese love her too. They envy her eyes and her long and curly eyelashes and her behaved attitude when we go out! And of course, there is good old me... I am just so happy to have them in my life it matters not if I am not practicing my profession or if I am a full time housewife and mommy! I love doing what I do... This lifestyle is the best there is! :D
And then there were 8 (minus 1)! My other sister was not able to come home for the BIG day! Too bad...
This is my side of the family. Hubby's is equally large!
Families are not just those whom you were born to and grew up with. We also consider family those people who are close to us and have contributed to our being in one way or another. For each one of us, there is a family that we can call our own... where we belong and are accepted for who we are including our weaknesses and imperfections.
This is our SICO family - the people who brought us together and witnessed our journey.
These are my hubby's friends and classmates in college who eventually became
my close friends when he had to leave for Japan for his undergraduate studies.

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