Friday, April 17, 2020

A Different Easter

It has been more than a month now since the state of Baden-Württemberg implemented the protective measures to stem the spread of the Corona virus. Schools have closed since then and school children find themselves home schooling. Workers who are not in the critical infrastructure are urged to work from home. Car industries have opted to shut down their production lines. Restaurants, pubs, cinemas, museums, churches, public playgrounds are closed to prevent the gathering of people. All these measures are in place to help stem the spread of the COVID-19, to give the health system the time to accommodate the critical cases. 

Just yesterday, Chancellor Merkel and the state ministers have come to an agreement to relax the protective measures a bit - but by relax, it meant opening some of the shopping stores that have less than 800 sqm. store area whilst still implementing proper distance of 1,5-2 meters. Schools will slowly open beginning May 4th but initially for those who are in their final years and will be undergoing their examinations. Public gatherings and sports events are still not allowed though. Visiting friends and relatives are still restricted, even travel plans. 

It is usually around the Easter holidays when we have travel plans with the family, to enjoy Spring and celebrate Easter somewhere else.  This year is a very different story. We were not able to celebrate Easter somewhere else but celebrated it with the family at home. There was no church gathering and the usual Filipino traditions that I have been accustomed to while growing up like Palm Sunday, the Pabasa beginning on Holy Thursday until Good Friday, going on the Stations of the Cross and then celebrating Eater Sunday at Church with the Filipino community. 

But what I find beautiful in this crisis is the communion with God and friends online. I find it beautiful that I get to pray the rosary and novena for the dead with my high school friends. To attend the holy mass at the comforts of your home through a live broadcast on social media. Even though the churches are closed, communities are still able to gather online, praying at the comforts of home. We get to spend more time with the family. It could get challenging at times, when boredome strikes, but it is still a nice feeling.

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