Saturday, February 22, 2020

Eat Healthy During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, chances are you will have food cravings. The type of food varies - from a variety of exotic fruits that may be hard to get to hearty and savory meat dishes to sweets and confectioneries. It is however important to remember to keep a healthy diet so as not to endanger yourself and your growing baby in your womb.

If you are in the first trimester of your pregnancy, you would need all the vitamins from a balanced healthy diet. Very important for the development of your baby at this stage in the pregnancy are folate (folic acid), iron and vitamin A.

Here are some of the good sources of these three important nutrients:

Spinach, broccoli or green peas soup: Green vegetables are rich in folate and iron. Instead of adding salt, try adding some lemon juice and fresh herbs to season your soup. Along with taking folate supplements, folate-rich foods will help prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida on your developing baby.

Salad with Beetroot: For a really good folate and iron boost, grate raw beetroot or slice cooked beetroot, add it to romaine lettuce or raw baby spinach. Iron helps your body to produce red blood cells for your baby. Vitamin C also supports iron absorption in the body. Add Vitamin C rich foods into your meal. A glass of orange juice, lemon juice in your salad dressing, or some paprika.

Bean salad: An in-between meal that is rich in folate, iron and fibers and easy to prepare and take with you. Mix some kidney beans, pinto beans, lima beans, cow peas, also sweet peas or beluga lentils. You can add corn and paprika for a dash of color, plus it provides beta-carotene, which the body converts to Vitamin A. Your baby needs Vitamin A to develop its organs, circulation, nervous sytem and respiration. It also helps you to defend against infections.

Melon: Enjoy a few slices of honey melon, galia or cantaloupe melon, and with it lots of folate and beta-carotene. It is a very good refreshing snack.

Hard-boiled egg: It contains Vitamin A as well as folic acid and is a good iron source. Cook the egg for eigth to ten minutes, store it a refrigerator for a maximum of three days only from cooking.

Pumpkin or carrot soup: Orange vegetables are rich in beta-carotene. Soups with sweet potato, pumpkin or carrot can be cooked thoroughly. With the addition of pumpkin seeds, you are also adding folate, iron and omega-3-fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for your baby's brain and eyes.

These are just some of the food that you can snack on or add into your diet. Are you able to eat these foods during your pregnancy despite the morning sickness? If you have more food suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments section. I would love to hear from you.

Wishing you a healthy, safe and happy pregnancy! 

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