Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Gift Ideas

It is almost Christmas and you are panicking because you still don't have a gift for your loved ones this Christmas. My family has never really cared much about receiving material gifts. What matters most to us is that we are happy and healthy, and that we are thankful for all the blessings that we are received in the 365 days that the good Lord has gifted us with.

But if you are really looking for a gift to give to your loved ones, here are some gift ideas that the receiver will truly appreciate:

  • a book written by their favorite author or about their interests
  • a gift certificate for two to a restaurant, a theater play, a game or the movies
  • gifts that you made yourself - like diy candles, chocolate truffles, even cross-stitch!
  • a gift basket filled with goodies - may it be sweets for those with a sweet tooth, meat basket filled with hams, sausages, liver paste, or wine and cheese and snacks that go with it
  • give gift items that help you give back this Christmas - there are many products out there that when you buy them, the same item will be donated to someone who needs who it or a portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity
These are some of the gifts that I have in mind that I wouldn't mind giving my loved ones this Christmas.

What about you? What are you Christmas gift ideas?

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