Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Little Girl's and Her Bicycle

It is important that children get a lot of exercise so that they sweat and are able to develop their motor skills. The mom of my little girl's friend from the Kindergarten offered to give her daughter's old bicycle to Samantha since her daughter got a new one from her grandmother. Because my little girl doesn't have a bike yet and it was a really nice offer, I gratefully said "yes, we will accept it, thank you very much!"

And so one day, Samantha got her very own kiddie bicycle. Now we have more than enough reason to go outdoors, take a walk in one of the many public parks and let her pedal around. The first time we went out was Father's Day here. Luckily, the weather was very nice and she had a lot of fun going round in circles at the Schloßgarten and at Schloßplatz. I also had a blast taking her photos. I must admit, it has been a while since I took photos of my favorite subject and here are some of the shots that I particularly love:

She was so happily exhausted by the time we decided to go home that she instantly slept in the car and only woke up after sleeping for 14 hours. She woke up for a few minutes (I think it was around 2:00AM in the morning) to ask for something to eat and then went back to dreamland after having her fill.

I guess I can look forward to more days outdoors, especially now that the weather is getting better and warmer. I also have a feeling that I, too, would need to learn how to ride a bicycle if I want to stay fit like my little girl! 

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