Friday, July 10, 2009

Food Friday: Beef Caldereta

food friday

It has been a while since my last Food Friday entry. I admit, I missed posting for this meme. So now I am back!

And here is my beef caldereta:

This is my first time to cook this Filipino dish and it wasn't bad at all! The beef was tender and the veggies cooked just right. The sauce was just enough too! Thanks to the recipe that came with the Mama Sita Caldereta Mix packaging. Hehehe!

I am happy because Hubby loved it!


Unknown said...

Looks yummy! Pretty sure Binsoy loved it. :)

Anonymous said...

wow, kikay! u know how to cook now! great improvement! i remember u as a food taste master back to your single days...ehhehehe...miggy

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